A magnetic weekly planner for kids: the clever secret to a smooth family rhythm

A magnetic weekly planner for children on the Clover Living  children's desk

Do you also like a little structure dear readers?

So say goodbye to morning chaos and the "what-are-we-going-to-do-today?" questions. With a weekly planner, you can get not only your own life, but your kids' lives on track, too. And with the magnetic flair of the Clover Living Wallboard, planning becomes not only convenient, but also fun to do together. 

Structure, but fun with this weekly planner for kids🤩

A weekly planner brings peace of mind. It's your personal assistant whispering, "Hey, everything is under control." And the great thing is: kids love figuring out what's going to happen together. Having their own planning board like this gives them and you a sense of calm and control, but with a playful twist.

Beautifully stylish magnetic weekly planner for children

⏰ Just that little bit of time to spare! ⏰

With a weekly planner, you avoid last-minute surprises and the accompanying stress. It's like gently smoothing the waves of family life. And those extra five minutes in the shower in the morning? Those are suddenly at your fingertips.

Small chef planners

Children are great planners, they just often don't know it yet. With a weekly planner, they playfully learn how to organize their time. And the magnetic elements of the Clover Living children's desk? Those are the icing on the cake, making them enjoy "managing" their own activities.

🧩Interaction and Inspiration 💡

The magnets on the Wallboard of the Clover Living children's desk add interaction and fun to planning. They invite to touch, shift and participate. It's a playful way to involve children in your daily and weekly routine and teach them about organization and time. Check out the different themed accessories

Mother and son plan the week together with the magnetic weekly planner

Stronger together 💪💪

The weekly planner is the perfect time to come together as a family. It is a place of calm where everyone is involved and feels heard. The Clover Living Wallboard thus becomes more than a planner; it is a communication hub for the whole family.


A magnetic weekly planner is more than a handy tool; it is an asset to any family. It brings peace, structure and a pinch of fun to the daily routine. 

It not only makes life more organized, but also a little happier. Let the Clover Living Wallboard become the heart of your family, where planning and fun go hand in hand.


Signature Julie & Carly